The much acclaimed book - 'The God of Small Things' won the booker prize in 1997 and ever since Indian women authors have shared a special respect in the literary circles. I wonder why I had postponed this book so long since books by Indian women always captivate me - be it Chitra Banerji or Jhumpa Lahiri or the most recent Indu Sundaresan .
The story is based around the life of dizygotic twins Estha and Rahel and the town of Ayemenen in Kerala forms the backdrop for the tale. The book entirely has a Kerala touch to it right from the pleasantaries used to the communist activists rampant there to the way grandparents are addressed as Mamachi and Pappachi. The story is told from the view point of the 7 year old twins and what is gripping is that it is filld with flash backs and forwards that sometimes you will have to context switch your mind to tune it from past to present to future.
The book left me with mixed feelings. Arundhati's writing style is indeed mind blowing . Her knack of drawing humour even in the saddest of situations makes it a good read. However the book was a tad too sad for me. It kind of left me thinking that there are people whose life is filled with hopelessness . There is no situation in the book where the family (the twins and their mom) see any form of happiness. Abandoned by a drunk dad ,admonished by their aunt (Baby Kochamma),being blamed for the death of their cousin ,Sophie all left me thinking that there is no light at the end of the tunnel for these characters.
A good read as it gives you a lot of insights into the Kerala culture . Also worth reading for the innocence dripping in the book since the incidents are narrated from a 7 year old's perspective. Overall a mixed bag of emotions with sadness ruling it .
Do you like reading autobiographies?
Also, have you read George Orwell's nineteen eighty four?
Thank you for sharing
@Sai : I have read G Orwell's Animal Farm. Need to get my hands on 1984 too
@vaishnavi : LOl tbr for a year eh? I have had the same problem with haruki murakami's books. Never able to finish them coz they get boring beyond a point
@hannah : Thanks. A fine balance is on my To be read list too
@shilpa : Thanks for stopping by. Yeah it is indeed a well written book
It is a very sad book though
How I wish she would wrote more fiction :(
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